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The 8 week group coaching programme to help you finally overcome your fear of rejection

  • Do you take a lot of what other people say and do personally? And often feel rejected and unwanted in your relationships?


  • Do you over-analyse and read into everything they say and do?​


  • Are you spending a lot of time spiralling in scary 'What if...' thoughts, to do with your relationships ending?


  • Do you struggle to trust your partner or friends? And default to assuming the worst?


  • Do you sometimes push people away in an attempt to protect yourself? Or do you do the opposite and try to hold on to them a little too tightly and micromanage them?


  • Do you fear conflict or people disapproving of you? And so you're not always true to yourself in an attempt to avoid it?


  • Is all of this mind drama causing you to show up in ways you really don't like in your relationships?


If so - you likely have a FEAR OF REJECTION.

Image by Anthony Tran

The solution

I've been there. I used to feel so anxious about every relationship in my life, so scared that the people I cared about were going to leave me at any moment, so convinced that I wasn't good enough and would always be abandoned. I tried therapy, I researched the sh*t out of the anxious attachment style, and I intellectually understood my problem. But still nothing changed. 


That was when I discovered coaching, and I went through an amazing coaching journey that changed my life so much that I knew I just had to train to become a coach myself - so I can share these tools with other people who need them as badly as I did. 


The truth is - as long as you believe you need a certain person or relationship in your life for you to feel safe, secure, and good enough, you will feel terrified!


In order to stop being so afraid, we have to challenge what your brain would make rejection mean about you and your future happiness. You need to actually be WILLING to be rejected and confident that you could handle any outcome.


And this is exactly what Master Your Fear of Rejection, my 8-week group coaching, was created to help you achieve.

The programme

After this programme, you will have

the tools to be able to:


  • Understand what’s driving your fear of rejection and the core beliefs perpetuating your anxiety


  • Handle your negative emotions and soothe yourself when you’re triggered - so that you stop showing up in ways you don’t like


  • Manage your fearful brain and gain back control over what you make other people’s behaviour mean - so that you stop taking everything so personally!


  • Challenge your core beliefs so that you can feel confident and secure, no matter what happens in your relationships


  • Stop spiralling in scary ‘What ifs…’, because you know you can handle whatever life throws at you


  • Show up as the trusting, confident, loving partner or friend that you really want to be

Image by Rowan Chestnut

MYFR: The process

The 8 week group coaching programme

will take you through:​


  • Challenging your thoughts - so that you can identify and question your default ways of interpreting the situations in your life


  • How to process your emotions and self soothe - so that you can stop showing up in ways you don't like


  • The Self Coaching Model - The tool we can use to manage our minds in any situation


  • Getting to the root of the issue - your core beliefs about YOU


  • How to rewire your thought patterns and beliefs - and create new, secure ways of thinking


  • Dealing with uncertainty - by developing self certainty!


MYFR: What's included

8 week programme for a small group

of like-minded people:


  • Group coaching session every week (90 mins per session). Calls will be recorded for those who can't attend live​​


  • Access to the Relationship Anxiety 101 online modules (8 modules with mini teachings, recordings, and exercises) to help you learn to coach your own brain 


  • Facebook group to get to know the other people in the programme and support each other. Plus feedback and support from me!


  • BONUS: Plus weekly drop-in sessions for you to drop by and get additional support and guidance


For just £599 in full or 
3 x £200 monthly payments

"I had many anxious thoughts, mainly about jealousy and feeling insecure in my relationships that were creating a lot of problems for me. I had been to many therapies and I had not been able to calm my mind until now. Now I have realized I am the one in control, I get to choose how external things affect me, I am able to control my mind and thus my emotions and actions. I feel at peace." - Caroline



"Before working with Rebecca, I was in emotional turmoil. I was getting triggered easily, crying often, and getting big anxious spells - and had no tools to work through any of it. Now I feel more in control of my emotional state. I can handle any thought that crosses my mind, and have the ability to examine it, question it, decide how this thought is serving me or not. I don't feel as scared of rejection anymore and I have a greater ability to bring joy to my relationships." - Imogen

Frequently Asked Questions


When do we start?
We will being w/c 30th September. And doors to enrol will open 10th September.

When will the calls be?
There will be two group classes available for you to attend:


  • Tuesday - 6pm BST

  • Wednesday - 12pm BST


You will only be permitted to join one of the groups. Please convert this into your own time zone to check if one of these call times works for you.


When will the drop-in sessions be?

The weekly sessions will alternate between 11am BST on Fridays and 4pm BST on Fridays. You are welcome to attend any of these sessions for additional support and guidance. 


How often will I be coached?

During each session, we will do 30 minutes of teaching from me and then 2-3 people will get the chance to be in the hotseat and be coached live. You will not only be able to volunteer, but you'll also learn from watching other people with brains just like yours being coached. 


Can I join if I'm not from the UK?

YES. People can attend MYFR from all over the world. It is all done via Zoom - so you can join from anywhere :) 


Got more questions? Let's chat! Drop me an email at

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